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A Criminal Attorney Explains Probable Cause

A Criminal Attorney Explains Probable Cause

| November 8, 2016

Probable cause is a critical component of a DWI stop, arrest, and conviction. When a police offer suspects a person

Ukraine’s Banking System and Banking Regulation

| October 14, 2016

Banking systems different countries are their circulatory system in fact, because ensuring the movement of funds and serve the needs

Ernesto Sigmon

Ernesto Sigmon

| August 11, 2016

Ernesto Sigmon – Partner Sigmon Law – the founding partner of Sigmon Law a Personal Injury and Commercial Litigation Firm

The Elements of a Personal Injury Claim: What it Takes to Win

| August 11, 2016

If you sue an individual or business for damages caused by their negligence, your action is considered a “personal injury”

Acknowledgement of Paternity in Ukraine: Legal Aspects

Acknowledgement of Paternity in Ukraine: Legal Aspects

| June 13, 2016

Modern development of the world is marked by active human migration. People are actively moving around the world, start new

Setting Up a Business in Canada

Setting Up a Business in Canada

| June 12, 2016

Canada enjoys the benefit of being a bilingual (English and French) nation, and having two distinct legal heritages. In Quebec

When to Go For It: The Duty of Loyalty

When to Go For It: The Duty of Loyalty

| June 11, 2016

First a phone call, then a lunch meeting, the next thing you know you’re getting the offer of a lifetime.

Anatomy of a Law Suit in Ontario, Canada

Anatomy of a Law Suit in Ontario, Canada

| June 11, 2016

Ontario enjoys a sophisticated legal system and a well educated judiciary which results in a somewhat predictable litigation process. The article

Company Formation and Administration in Seychelles

| July 25, 2013


The New Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, Regulations

| July 25, 2013

On Saturday December 15th 2001, the Canadian government published the proposed new Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations in the Canada

The New Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

| July 25, 2013

The new Immigration and Refugee Protection Act to come into effect June 28, 2002 aims to modernize the selection process

Prejudice: Taking a Hard Look at the Merits

| July 24, 2013

The legal term prejudice surfaces in many areas of the law and has been described in several different ways. The

Company Law Reforms in Tanzania: The Companies Act 2002

| July 24, 2013

Prior to the 1st of March, 2006, the main legislation relating to companies in Tanzania was the Companies Act Cap.

Bruce Marks

Bruce Marks

| June 26, 2013

Bruce Marks, is the founder of Marks Law, a full service firm in Ottawa, Canada.  We service clients, domestic and

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